Source code for fruitbat.table


import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import h5py

from fruitbat import utils
from fruitbat.methods import available_methods, method_functions

__all__ = ["create", "get_z_from_table", "get_table_path"]

[docs]def create(method, output_dir='data', filename=None, zmin=0, zmax=20, num_samples=10000, **method_kwargs): """ Creates lookup table which can be read in using :func:`~fruitbat.table.load`. Parameters ---------- method : str The DM-redshift relation to assume when creating the table. output_dir : str, optional The path of the output directory. If ``output_dir = 'data'``, then created table will created in the same directory with the builtin tables and will be found when using functions such as :meth:`~fruitbat._frb.calc_redshift()`. Default: 'data' filename : str, optional The output filename. If ``name=None`` then the filename will become custom_method. Default: *None* zmin : int or float, optional The minimum redshift in the table. Default: 0 zmax : int or float, optional The maximum redshift in the table. Default: 20 num_samples : int, optional The number of sample dispersion measure and redshifts. Default: 10000 Keyword Arguments ----------------- cosmo : An instance of :obj:`astropy.cosmology`, optional The cosmology to assume when calculating the outputs of the table. Required when creating new tables of ``'Ioka2003'``, ``'Inoue2004'``, ``'Zhang2018'``. free_elec : float or int, optional The amount of free electrons per proton mass in the Universe. This applies when using ``'Zhang2018'``. Must be between 0 and 1. Default: 0.875. f_igm : float or int, optional The fraction of baryons in the intergalactic medium. This applies when using ``'Zhang2018'``. Must be between 0 and 1. Default: 0.83 Returns ------- string The path to the generated hdf5 file containing the table data. Generates --------- A hdf5 file containing datasets for `'DM'` and 'z'`. Example ------- >>> def simple_dm(z): dm = 1200 * z return dm >>> fruitbat.add_method("simple_dm", simple_dm) >>> fruitbat.table.create("simple_dm") >>> frb = fruitbat.Frb(1200) >>> frb.calc_redshift(method="simple_dm") <Quantity 1.> """ if method not in available_methods(): err_msg = ("{} is not a valid method." "The currently defined methods " "are: {}".format(method, available_methods())) raise ValueError(err_msg) # The filename that the user provides can not be one of these as it would # over write the built in datasets. restricted_filenames = set([ utils.get_path_to_file_from_here("Ioka2003.hdf5", subdirs=["data"]), utils.get_path_to_file_from_here("Inoue2004.hdf5", subdirs=["data"]), utils.get_path_to_file_from_here("Zhang2018.hdf5", subdirs=["data"]), utils.get_path_to_file_from_here("Batten2020.hdf5", subdirs=["data"]), ]) # Generate the output filename. if (filename is not None) and (filename not in restricted_filenames): filename = "{}.hdf5".format(filename) else: filename = "{}.hdf5".format(method) # Generate the DM and z values for the method dm_function = method_functions()[method] z_vals = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, num_samples) dm_vals = np.array([dm_function(z, **method_kwargs) for z in z_vals]) if output_dir == "data": output_file = utils.get_path_to_file_from_here(filename, subdirs=["data"]) else: output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) with h5py.File(output_file, "w") as new_table: new_table.create_group("Header") if "cosmo" in method_kwargs: cosmo = method_kwargs["cosmo"] add_cosmo_params_to_dataset_attrs = True # Use a default cosmology name if the prodived one doesnt have a name if not = "cosmology" dataset_group_name = else: add_cosmo_params_to_dataset_attrs = False dataset_group_name = method new_table.create_group(dataset_group_name) new_table[dataset_group_name].create_dataset("DM", data=dm_vals, dtype=np.float) new_table[dataset_group_name]["DM"].attrs["Units"] = "pc cm**-3" new_table[dataset_group_name]["DM"].attrs["VarDesc"] = "Dispersion Measure" new_table[dataset_group_name].create_dataset("z", data=z_vals, dtype=np.float) new_table[dataset_group_name]["z"].attrs["Units"] = "Dimensionless" new_table[dataset_group_name]["z"].attrs["VarDesc"] = "Redshift" if add_cosmo_params_to_dataset_attrs: new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["Flat"] = True new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["H0"] = cosmo.H0.value new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["OmegaBaryon0"] = cosmo.Ob0 new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["OmegaLambda0"] = cosmo.Ode0 new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["OmegaMatter0"] = cosmo.Om0 new_table[dataset_group_name].attrs["t0"] = cosmo.age(0).value return output_file
# def load(name, data_dir='data'): # """ # Opens a saved `.npz` file containing 'dm' and 'z' arrays. # Parameters # ---------- # name : str # The name of the file to load. # data_dir : str, optional # The directory containing the data. The whole path must be # specified except if :attr:`data_dir` == 'data' then it will # search in the `data` subdirectory of the source code. # Default: 'data' # Returns # ------- # table: :obj:`numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile` # The lookup table containing the 'dm' and 'z' arrays. # Example # ------- # >>> table = fruitbat.table.load('Zhang2018_Planck18.npz') # >>> table["dm"] # array([0.00000000e+00, 1.62251609e+00, 3.24675204e+00, ..., # 1.00004587e+04, 1.00010926e+04, 1.00017266e+04]) # >>> table["z"] # array([0.00000000e+00, 2.00020002e-03, 4.00040004e-03, ..., # 1.99959996e+01, 1.99979998e+01, 2.00000000e+01]) # """ # if data_dir == 'data': # data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') # filename = os.path.join(data_dir, name) # return np.load(filename)
[docs]def get_table_path(filename, datadir="data"): """ Parameters ---------- filename: datadir: Returns ------- path: string The path to the data file """ if filename in available_methods(): filename += ".hdf5" if datadir == "data": path = utils.get_path_to_file_from_here(filename, subdirs=["data"]) return path
[docs]def get_z_from_table(dm, table, cosmology=None): """ Calculates the redshift from a dispersion measure by interpolating a lookup table Parameters ---------- dm: float The input dispersion measure table: :obj:`numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile` The lookup table with ``'dm'`` and ``'z'`` arrays. Returns ------- z: float The redshift corresponding to the input disperison measure. Example ------- >>> table = fruitbat.table.load('Zhang2018_Planck18.npz') >>> fruitbat.get_z_from_table(1000, table) 1.1087964578507539 """ with h5py.File(table, "r") as data: if cosmology: dataset_group_name = cosmology else: dataset_group_name = os.path.basename(table).split(".")[0] interp = interpolate.interp1d(data[dataset_group_name]["DM"], data[dataset_group_name]["z"]) return interp(dm)