Source code for fruitbat.plot

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

from fruitbat import cosmologies, methods, table, utils

[docs]def _fruitbat_colors(): """ The official list of fruitbat plotting colours. """ color_dict = { "black": "#000000", "orange": "#FF6800", "red": "#C10020", "blue": "#007FFF", } return color_dict
_color_dict = _fruitbat_colors()
[docs]def set_rc_params(usetex=False): """ Set the rcParams that will be used in all the plots. """ rc_params = { #"axes.prop_cycle": cycler('color', # ['#1b9e77','#d95f02','#7570b3', # '#e7298a','#66a61e','#e6ab02', # '#a6761d','#666666']), "axes.labelsize": 18, "figure.dpi": 150, "legend.fontsize": 12, "legend.frameon": False, "text.usetex": usetex, "xtick.direction": 'in', "xtick.labelsize": 14, "xtick.minor.visible": True, "": True, "ytick.direction": 'in', "ytick.labelsize": 14, "ytick.minor.visible": True, "ytick.right": True, } return rc_params
[docs]def redshift_pdf(frb, method="Batten2021", sigma=1, usetex=True, filename=None, outputdir=None): """ Plots the redshift pdf and confidence interval for an FRB. Parameters ---------- frb : :obj:`fruitbat.Frb` An instance of the :obj:`fruitbat.Frb` class. method: str, optional Default: "Batten2021" sigma: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], optional The width of the confidence interval in units of sigma. Default: 1 usetex: bool, optional Use LaTeX font when creating the figure. Set this to false to disable Latex fonts. Default: True filename: str or None, optional Returns ------- fig: , optional ax: , optional """ # Update rcParams for consistent plotting style plt.rcParams.update(set_rc_params(usetex=usetex)) # Calculate the z pdf for the FRB zvals, pdf, dz = frb.calc_redshift_pdf(method=method) redshift, conf_int = frb.calc_redshift_conf_int(method=method, sigma=sigma) conf_int_lower, conf_int_upper = conf_int fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, constrained_layout=True) # Plot the redshift pdf ax.plot(zvals, pdf, linewidth=2, color=_color_dict["black"]) # Plot vertical dotted line for the redshift median ax.axvline(redshift, linestyle="--", color=_color_dict["blue"], linewidth=2) conf_int_range = np.linspace(conf_int_lower, conf_int_upper, 100) interpolated_z_pdf = interpolate.interp1d(zvals, pdf) # Colour in between the confidence interval ax.fill_between(conf_int_range, 0, interpolated_z_pdf(conf_int_range), color=_color_dict["orange"], alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim(0, zvals[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.05 * np.max(pdf)) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{Redshift}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$P(z | \mathrm{DM}) P(z)$") # Set the position of the plot text text_ypos_top = 0.90 text_ypos_padding = 0.06 # The space between each of the lines of text if redshift < 1.5: text_xpos = 0.60 # Low redshift -> text on right else: text_xpos = 0.05 # High redshift -> text on left text_items = { "name" : (None if is None else r"$\mathrm{{%s}}$" %, "dm" : (r"$\mathrm{{DM}} = {}\ \mathrm{{pc\ " r"cm^{{-3}}}}$".format(, "dm_galaxy": (r"$\mathrm{{DM_{{MW}}}} = {:.1f}\ " r"\mathrm{{pc\ cm^{{-3}}}}$".format(frb.dm_galaxy.value)), "dm_model" : (r"$\mathrm{{Galactic\ DM\ Model = %s}}$" % frb.dm_galaxy_model), "dm_excess": (r"$\mathrm{{DM_{{Excess}}}} = {:.1f}\ \mathrm{{pc\ " r"cm^{{-3}}}}$".format(frb.dm_excess.value)), "redshift" : (r"$z = {:.3f}^{{+{:.3f}}}_{{-{:.3f}}}$".format(redshift, redshift - conf_int_lower, conf_int_upper - redshift)), } # Some of the text_items may be None, we cant to count the number of # non-None items. So I have set up to lune_number to count them. # If I don't do this the text is placed in the wrong place when # the name is None. line_number = 0 for item in text_items: if text_items[item] is not None: ax.text(text_xpos, text_ypos_top - text_ypos_padding * line_number, text_items[item], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=11) line_number += 1 if filename is not None: if outputdir is not None: os.path.join(outputdir, filename) plt.savefig("{}.png".format(filename)) plt.close() elif filename is None: return fig, ax
[docs]def method_comparison(filename=None, extension="png", usetex=False, passed_ax=None, **kwargs): """ Create a plot comparing how estimated redshift changes as a function of dispersion measure for each DM-z relation. Parameters ---------- filename: string or None, optional The filename of the saved figure. Default: *None* extension: string, optional The format to save the figure. e.g "png", "pdf", "eps", etc... Default: "png" usetex: bool, optional Use LaTeX for for fonts. passed_ax: or None, optional Generates --------- A figure displaying how estimated redshift changes as a function of dispersion measure for each of the different cosmologies. """ # Update rcParams for consistent plotting style plt.rcParams.update(set_rc_params(usetex=usetex)) if passed_ax: ax = passed_ax else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), constrained_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) method_list = methods.builtin_method_functions() method_list.pop("Batten2021") dm_vals = np.linspace(0, 3000, 1000) colours = ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3"] label = [r"$\rm{Ioka 2003}$", r"$\rm{Inoue 2004}$", r"$\rm{Zhang 2018}$"] for j, method in enumerate(method_list): z_vals = np.zeros(len(dm_vals)) if 'cosmology' in kwargs: cosmology = kwargs['cosmology'] else: cosmology = 'Planck18' table_name = "{}.hdf5".format(method) table_name = utils.get_path_to_file_from_here(table_name, subdirs=["data"]) for i, dm in enumerate(dm_vals): z_vals[i] = table.get_z_from_table(dm, table_name, cosmology) ax.plot(dm_vals, z_vals, colours[j], label=label[j], **kwargs) if not passed_ax: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rm{Redshift}$") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rm{DM\ \left[pc \ cm^{-3}\right]}$") ax.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=False) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(".".join([filename, extension])) if passed_ax: return ax else: return fig
[docs]def cosmology_comparison(filename="", extension="png", usetex=False, passed_ax=None, **kwargs): """ Create a plot comparing how the estimated redshift changes as a function of dispersion mesure for each cosmology. Parameters ---------- filename: string, optional The filename of the saved figure. Default: "cosmology_comparison" extension: string, optional The format to save the figure. e.g "png", "pdf", "eps", etc... Default: "png" Generates --------- A figure displaying how estimated redshift changes as a function of dispersion measure for each of the different cosmologies. """ # Update rcParams for consistent plotting style plt.rcParams.update(set_rc_params(usetex=usetex)) if passed_ax: ax = passed_ax else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), constrained_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Remove EAGLE from cosmologies since it is the same as Planck13 cosmology_list = cosmologies.builtin_cosmology_functions() cosmology_list.pop("EAGLE") dm_vals = np.linspace(0, 3000, 1000) add_axin = True try: # Add inset plot showing the part where cosmologies diverge the most. axin = ax.inset_axes([0.05, 0.52, 0.45, 0.45]) except Exception: print("""Skipping inset axis in cosmology plot. Requires Python 3 and Matplotlib 3.0""") add_axin = False colours = ['#a6cee3', '#1f78b4', '#b2df8a', '#33a02c', '#fb9a99', '#e31a1c'] label = [r"$\rm{WMAP5}$", r"$\rm{WMAP7}$", r"$\rm{WMAP9}$", r"$\rm{Planck13}$", r"$\rm{Planck15}$", r"$\rm{Planck18}$"] for j, cosmo in enumerate(cosmology_list): z_vals = np.zeros(len(dm_vals)) if 'method' in kwargs: method = kwargs['method'] else: method = 'Inoue2004' table_name = "{}.hdf5".format(method) table_name = utils.get_path_to_file_from_here(table_name, subdirs=["data"]) for i, dm in enumerate(dm_vals): z_vals[i] = table.get_z_from_table(dm, table_name, cosmo) ax.plot(dm_vals, z_vals, colours[j], label=label[j], **kwargs) if add_axin: axin.plot(dm_vals, z_vals, colours[j], **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rm{DM\ \left[pc \ cm^{-3}\right]}$") if not passed_ax: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rm{Redshift}$") ax.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=False) if add_axin: axin.set_xlim(2800, 3000) axin.set_ylim(3.0, 3.25) axin.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=8) axin.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=8) ax.indicate_inset_zoom(axin) if filename != "": plt.savefig(".".join([filename, extension])) if passed_ax: return ax else: return fig