Source code for fruitbat.methods

import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import h5py

from fruitbat import utils

__all__ = ["ioka2003", "inoue2004", "zhang2018", "batten2021"
           "builtin_method_functions", "add_method",
           "available_methods", "reset_methods", "method_functions",
           "methods_hydrodynamic", "methods_analytic"]

def _f_integrand(z, cosmo):
    Calculate the integrand for a given redshift and cosmology. This
    the integrand for integral that appears in Zhang2018, Inoue2004
    and Ioka2003.

    z : float
        The input redshift.

    cosmo : An instance of :obj:`astropy.cosmology`
        The cosmology to use in the integrand.

    f : float
        The evaluated integrand.

    The integrand is a follows:

        f = \\frac{1 + z}{\\Omega_{m,0}(1 + z)^3 +
        \\Omega_{\\Lambda,0} (1 + z)^{3(1 - w)}}


    w = cosmo.w(z)

    top = 1 + z
    bot = cosmo.Om0 * (1 + z)**3 + cosmo.Ode0 * (1 + z)**(3 + 3 * w)
    return top / np.sqrt(bot)

[docs]def ioka2003(z, cosmo, zmin=0): """ Calculates the mean dispersion measure from redshift zero to redshift ``z`` given a cosmology using the Ioka (2003) relation. Parameters ---------- z: float or int The input redshift. cosmo: An instance of :obj:`astropy.cosmology` The cosmology to assume when calculating the dispersion measure at redshift ``z``. zmin: float or int, optional The minimum redshift to begin the integral. This should typically be zero. Default: 0. Returns ------- dm : float The dispersion measure at the redshift ``z``. """ # Calculate Ioka 2003 DM coefficient coeff_top = 3 * const.c * cosmo.H0 * cosmo.Ob0 coeff_bot = 8 * np.pi * const.G * const.m_p coeff = coeff_top / coeff_bot coeff ="pc cm**-3") dm = coeff * integrate.quad(_f_integrand, zmin, z, args=(cosmo))[0] return dm.value
[docs]def inoue2004(z, cosmo, zmin=0): """ Calculates the mean dispersion measure from redshift zero to redshift ``z`` given a cosmology using the Inoue (2004) relation. Parameters ---------- z: float or int The input redshift. cosmo: An instance of :obj:`astropy.cosmology` The cosmology to assume when calculating the dispersion measure at redshift ``z``. zmin: float or int, optional The minimum redshift to begin the integral. This should typically be zero. Default: 0. Returns ------- dm : float The dispersion measure at the redshift ``z``. """ # Coefficient from Inoue 2004 inoue_n_e_0 = 9.2e-10 * ((u.Mpc**2 * u.s**2) / (**2 ***3)) coeff = inoue_n_e_0 * const.c * cosmo.Ob0 * cosmo.H0 coeff ="pc cm**-3") dm = coeff * integrate.quad(_f_integrand, zmin, z, args=(cosmo))[0] return dm.value
[docs]def zhang2018(z, cosmo, zmin=0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the mean dispersion measure from redshift zero to redshift ``z`` given a cosmology using the Zhang (2018) relation. Parameters ---------- z: float or int The input redshift. cosmo: An instance of :obj:`astropy.cosmology` The cosmology to assume when calculating the dispersion measure at redshift ``z``. zmin: float or int, optional The minimum redshift to begin the integral. This should typically be zero. Default: 0. Keyword Arguments ----------------- f_igm : float, optional The fraction of baryons in the intergalatic medium. Default: 0.83 free_elec : float, optional The free electron number per baryon in the intergalactic medium. Default: 0.875 Returns ------- dm : float The dispersion measure at the redshift ``z``. """ if "f_igm" in kwargs: if kwargs["f_igm"] <= 1 and kwargs["f_igm"] >= 0: f_igm = kwargs["f_igm"] else: raise ValueError("f_igm must be between 0 and 1.") else: f_igm = 0.83 if "free_elec" in kwargs: if kwargs["free_elec"] <= 1 and kwargs["free_elec"] >= 0: free_elec = kwargs["free_elec"] else: raise ValueError("free_elec must be between 0 and 1.") else: free_elec = 0.875 coeff_top = 3 * const.c * cosmo.H0 * cosmo.Ob0 coeff_bot = 8 * np.pi * const.G * const.m_p coeff = coeff_top / coeff_bot coeff ="pc cm**-3") dm = coeff * f_igm * free_elec * integrate.quad(_f_integrand, zmin, z, args=(cosmo))[0] return dm.value
def batten2021(z, return_pdf=False): """ Calculates the mean dispersion measure from redshift zero to redshift ``z`` using the Batten et al. (2021) relation. Parameters ---------- z: float or int The input redshift. return_pdf: If ``True``, returns the entire DM PDF and DM ranges instead of the mean DM value. Default: False Returns ------- mean_dm: float dm_array: :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional The array of DM values. dm_pdf: :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional The DM PDF at redshift `z`. """ filename = utils.get_path_to_file_from_here("Batten2021.hdf5", subdirs=["data"]) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as b21_data: DMzHist = b21_data["DMz_hist"][:] redshifts = b21_data["Redshifts"][:-1] redshift_bin_widths = b21_data["Redshift_Bin_Widths"][:] # Convert bins to linear, since they are in log DMBins = 10**b21_data["DM_Bin_Edges"][:] max_bin_idx = np.where(z <= DMBins)[0][0] pdf = DMzHist[max_bin_idx] dm = utils.calc_mean_from_pdf(redshifts, pdf, dx=redshift_bin_widths) if return_pdf: dm = (dm, DMBins, pdf) else: dm = dm return dm def builtin_method_functions(): """ Returns a dictionary of the builtin methods with keywords and corresponding dispersion measure functions. Returns ------- methods: dict Contains the keywords and function for each method. """ methods = { "Ioka2003": ioka2003, "Inoue2004": inoue2004, "Zhang2018": zhang2018, "Batten2021": batten2021, } return methods _available = builtin_method_functions()
[docs]def add_method(name, func): """ Add a user defined method/DM-z relation to the list of available methods. Parameters ---------- name : str The keyword for the new method. func : function The function to calculate the dispersion measure at a given redshift. The first argument of ``func`` must be ``z``. Return ------ None Example ------- >>> def simple_dm(z): dm = 1200 * z return dm >>> fruitbat.add_method("simple_dm", simple_dm) """ method = {name: func} _available.update(method)
[docs]def available_methods(): """ Returns the list containing all the keywords for valid methods. """ return list(_available.keys())
[docs]def reset_methods(): """ Resets the list of available methods to the default builtin methods. """ # Delete all keys that aren't in the list of builtin method functions remove = [k for k in available_methods() if k not in builtin_method_functions()] for key in remove: del _available[key]
[docs]def method_functions(): """ Returns a dictionary containing the valid method keys and their corresponding dispersion measure functions. """ return _available
[docs]def methods_analytic(): """ Returns a list containing the valid method keys that use analytic estimates. """ analytic = [ "Ioka2003", "Inoue2004", "Zhang2018", ] return analytic
[docs]def methods_hydrodynamic(): """ Returns a list containing the valid method keys that have used hydrodynamic simulations. """ hydro = [ "Batten2021", ] return hydro